Top Ten Tuesday

I was a history major in college (and yes, despite it all I ended up as a high school algebra teacher…), and I read LOADS of books on WWII. Still do – finished The Rising Tide by Jeff Shaara on the North African campaign, which is a great read (for some reason I have always admired Erwin Rommel, and now I know why…). I almost always read newspaper and magazine articles on anything about WWII. From Facebook comes a link to The Smithsonian Magazine with a wrenching and incredibly sad story – Lt. Minter Dial’s Annapolis ring. When teaching American History, we don’t have the time to get into these stories, which is what hiSTORY should be about.

With the end of the space shuttle program and the decommissioning of Discovery comes a 360-degree virtual tour of the cockpit. If you have ever wondered about what the cockpit looks like, you can use your mouse to tour it. You can drag the cursor all over, but warning – you can very easily become disoriented….so many switches! Check out for great information.

For my gluten-free readers comes this from Cool Hunting (they have the BEST STUFF!). Four gluten-free indulgences that look wonderfully yummy.

Here’s an interesting Canadian artist who does a lot of embroidery and cross-stitch, Lindsay Joy. The link is to her “Anxiety Series,” and I can certainly relate to many of them!

Joen Wolfrom is a master at color. Her new blog is looking at colors one at a time, and oh my, the photos she finds are amazing. This post is on using blue-green analagous colors,  and there is a photo there you HAVE to see.

Here’s something I REALLY want to try – gelatin printing with Cynthia St. Charles from Montana. Her blog Living and Dyeing Under the Big Sky has some great ideas. Hey, I’m retired – I can try all sorts of things!

Goodness, how did MTV come to be 30? Seems like only yesterday we were saying it would never last… here’s Mad Magazine‘s take on it – blast from the past!

If you’re into zentangles, check out Rainbow Elephant – isn’t that a great name for a blog? Not only directions for new and interesting tangles, but videos to accompany each of them. This is on zendoodle metal plates.

Designer Ann has a page of great videos, which has a couple of TED talks, and nighttime sewing, just to name a few. I could easily spend an hour watching them.

And finally, for your laughing enjoyment, 10 bizarre and obscure university courses from The Best Article Every Day, like the Simpsons and philosophy….and that’s not the weirdest…..




One Response to “Top Ten Tuesday”

  • A bit slow to see your post, I will admit, but just came across your mentioning of my grandfather’s story (in the Smithsonian). I so agree that history should include more storytelling. I remember well my class with an old Colonel from the British army who used to weave in his personal stories into the class. Riveting. About 1 or 2 times a year I find a way to give this story at a school… Would love to give it more often though! Thanks for mentioning.
    Kind regards, Minter

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