Archive for the ‘ballet’ Category
Top Ten Tuesday
Well, it’s only taken about three months to get back to the blog, but I have been saving some great stuff, mostly pretty light-hearted. Here goes:
The Atlantic has a great series on photos from World War Two. Here’s a peak at women during the war, of all races and ethnicities.

Members of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) pose at Camp Shanks, New York, before leaving from New York Port of Embarkation on Feb. 2, 1945. The women are with the first contingent of Black American WACs to go overseas for the war effort From left to right are, kneeling: Pvt. Rose Stone; Pvt. Virginia Blake; and Pfc. Marie B. Gillisspie. Second row: Pvt. Genevieve Marshall; T/5 Fanny L. Talbert; and Cpl. Callie K. Smith. Third row: Pvt. Gladys Schuster Carter; T/4 Evelyn C. Martin; and Pfc. Theodora Palmer. (AP Photo)
From The Smithsonian, a look at the role of artists during World War Two.
TimeLapse from Time Magazine and Google presents a look at various places around the planet and how they have changed. Check out what is happening to our planet.
TIME and Space | By Jeffrey Kluger
Spacecraft and telescopes are not built by people interested in what’s going on at home. Rockets fly in one direction: up. Telescopes point in one direction: out. Of all the cosmic bodies studied in the long history of astronomy and space travel, the one that got the least attention was the one that ought to matter most to us—Earth.
That changed when NASA created the Landsat program, a series of satellites that would perpetually orbit our planet, looking not out but down. Surveillance spacecraft had done that before, of course, but they paid attention only to military or tactical sites. Landsat was a notable exception, built not for spycraft but for public monitoring of how the human species was altering the surface of the planet. Two generations, eight satellites and millions of pictures later, the space agency, along with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), has accumulated a stunning catalog of images that, when riffled through and stitched together, create a high-definition slide show of our rapidly changing Earth. TIME is proud to host the public unveiling of these images from orbit, which for the first time date all the way back to 1984.
From AllMyFaves comes a new look at piano lessons – could be intriguing! Looks to be an interesting app….
Really cool video from Vimeo on reactions from astronauts on their trips into space.
You know I love flashmobs – here’s a cool new one! Rembrant – who knew?
I’d forgotten about saving this next one – Anderson Cooper Show doing a take-off an America’s Got Talent – the Speed Painter. Well worth your two minutes!
The Shanghai World Expo Closing Ceremony…..amazing colors, graphics, movement…..those “chairs” aren’t really chairs……
Wonderful act from Vegas!
And finally, from Tastefully Offensive, comes People vs. Winter….since in some places in this country winter hasn’t left……
Top Ten Tuesday
Once again I am playing catch-up with blogs – Waaaayyyy behind! But here’s some goodies.
Absolutely incredible ballet/gymnastics – spectacular moves!
From Origami Joel comes some new amazing masks – and….they’re for sale!
You historians and geographers – and especially photographers – will enjoy this unique look at the United States – across the 40th parallel. Interesting project!
Tulle is more than tutus…..”Instead of painting with paint, British artist Benjamin Shine creates his portraits with tulle — you know, that netting fabric that you see on various gowns or tutus. Shine takes a single piece of tulle and proceeds to pleat, iron, and manipulate it into these hauntingly realistic portraits full of light, shadow, and dimension.”
In light of the new James Bond movie Skyfall opening this week, here’s a classic Bond peek with the ultimate Sean Connery….no pic, because that would ruin it – you have to click!
A collection of Kurt Vonnegut letters reveals this one about war and peace – an interesting commentary, given life today. From Letters of Note:
From Handmadeology comes 10 Awesome Reasons to Buy Handmade Gifts This Year.
“5. You’re helping the environment. It’s always a nice feeling to ‘go green’ isn’t it? Handmade items aren’t made in a waste-producing factory and shipped halfway around the world using fuel and energy. Buying handmade (especially really locally) can greatly reduce your carbon footprint on the world.”
Patterned paint rollers – who knew? These are really cool!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Vi Hart, recreational mathematician, and I use her videos regularly in my college algebra class. Here’s a cool Halloween one….a few days late…..
And finally, Google Doodles of 2012…
Have a great week!