Archive for the ‘Olympics’ Category
Top Ten Tuesday
Slowly getting caught up on blogs, as well as working on a class at Quilt University. If you are interested in online learning in quilting and other fiber art techniques, check out QU. This is my 5th class with them, and I have been very pleased with every single class. I mostly focus on the design classes, and right now I’m doing a class on design with Elizabeth Barton, whose work I really like. Pretty great stats, wouldn’t you say?
I discovered a new photography blog, Sun Gazing. Great list of resources. Actually this is more a New Age site, and a lot of Buddha images, but the photography is amazing.
Look at this amazing photo!
Once again from the 365 Project, some glorious photography.
I’ve just discovered Alison Schwabe’s blog, and this post on making samples was very good. One other blog has talked about stitching things out ahead in samples, and I think I’m looking at a new piece of my process. Should at least keep me from pulling out several inches of thread……
Readers of this blog know I love TED talks, and on the TED blog today is a list of the top 20 TED talks. There are a bunch here I haven’t seen, so I have some fun stuff to watch this week!
Discovered a new quilting blog this morning, with examples of some of the motifs being used for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Inspired patchwork! The blog is With Heart and Hands by Michele Bilyeu.
Animals Talking All in Caps is exactly what it says. Folks send in a picture with animals in it, and our moderator does a caption. Some are hysterical – well, most of them are. And some are very poignant.
I’m sorry I yelled at you for doing it. I was just startled.
I love you, Shelly.
Not every parent appreciates the pursuing of a liberal arts education, especially if it involves the classics. From Letters of Note is this letter to Ted Turner from his father, questioning his stupid quest to study Greek.
I love Vi Hart. She’s a recreational mathematician, and she teaches you stuff about math that is fun, simply through doodling. Here’s her latest video….warning – you need to concentrate!
And we’ll end with an interesting tidbit of history: Who Stole Helen Keller? How has history rewritten her story?
“Helen Keller worked throughout her long life to achieve social justice; she was an integral part of many social movements in the 20th century. Yet today, she is remembered chiefly as a child who overcame the obstacles of being deaf and blind largely through the efforts of her teacher, Annie Sullivan. While she may be hailed as a “hero” in lesson plans for today’s children, the books recount only a fraction of what makes Helen Keller heroic.”
Have a great week – let me know what you find on line that’s interesting!
Top Ten Tuesday
Cool week on the web…..
One of my favorite artists for the incredible batik work she does, Mary Edna Fraser. This is a look at a new installation in progress that she is working on.
Who knows when just one little act that we think nothing of will mean the world to someone else? From Letters of Note:
With the hoopla starting for the summer Olympics, there’s this ad from Proctor and Gamble that made the rounds I think in 2010 (which seems like I saw it just yesterday). It’s worth a few minutes of your time. And also from The Best Article Every Day comes this little bonus pic:
Genius isn’t always noticeable, as this blog from The Creativity Post points out. Check out these famous “failures.”
Another interesting take on creativity: science and ballet, also from The Creativity Post.
From The Cartoon Brew comes a Stephen Colbert interview (parts 1 and 2) filmed in January with Maurice Sendak. Lovely! Sendak will be sorely missed.
Chocolate, chocolate – probably the most creative use I’ve seen in a while. I found this through Cool Hunting from The Dessert Girl blog, and it’s oh so clever an idea! A new take on the molten cake…..
From The Huff Post comes this amazing article on women in combat and their issues as veterans. There are some amazing ladies profiled, and it’s interesting to see how they have had to struggle to get the same medical benefits as their male counterparts…because technically they are not considered combat veterans.
I am reading Susan Cain’s book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. It has very interesting applications for the classroom, since we are always encouraged to do group work and have everyone participate vocally in class…..something I always got dinged on in my evaluations. Basically I believe that not everyone has to be able to participate in a group…my own experience. This is a TED talk she gave that’s quite interesting.
And finally, Animals Talking All In Caps. Great animal pictures with really funny captions. Great way to start the day!
So what did you find this week on the web?