Art Art ART!!!!!!!!
What an amazing day…fabulous way to spend my birthday! We navigated morning traffic into the center of Denver and enjoyed waiting for the museum to open – glorious blue skies and a very nice breeze….certainly not 112! Here are some shots of the outside of the museum and surrounding areas.
No cactus….just lots of glorious flowers!
Great area outside of the museum…skateboarding, fountains, children playing.
Great sculpture…instructions to viewers include Do’s and Don’ts….no fondling the broom, among others…..
There was so much to see, and there are. number of artists I’ve never heard of and need to explore further. I have heard of El Anatsui, and to see one of his pieces in person is nothing short of A.MA.ZING.
The piece is titled “Rain Has No Father?” and is made of flattened metal bottle caps. He flattened and then stitched the metals together, transforming what is normally a stiff material into something that appears soft and pliable. You can find more images here. (Actually, I can’t do a link, so go to Google images and check him out.)
That’s all for now….it’s really frustrating doing this on the ipad… may need to get an actual keyboard! More on the museum to come.