Lesson Six – A Collage

I realized very early Sunday morning that I had a lot of things that needed to be done before March 25, so I carefully made a list yesterday and have been attacking each item. I am going to Anaheim for a conference this weekend, I had a research project due for a publisher, my Photoshop class, grades for the marking period, and a baby quilt. I am getting there!

I really enjoyed this last lesson. I approached it from the point of view of creating a marketing piece for the digital art I have started to do. Lots of filters for the background – mainly the glass. Each of the pieces of art are heavily adjusted, based on the actual pieces of fabric. Lots of playing around with what we learned this class. Same for the type. And I played around with the framing. I want to try the framing tutorial while I await Launchpad B. Here’s the work:

The bevel and emboss is certainly a fun tool. I wanted clean and crisp, as though the photos were already on a gallery wall. I am pleased, and I definitely want to do lots more! Janee – absolutely great class!!!!

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