Posts Tagged ‘Alberto Seveso’
Top Ten Tuesday
A really interesting artist, I saw his portfolio on Behance. Alberto Seveso…..doesn’t it look like the most luscious silk?
From Bill Moyers comes a really interesting graphic on social media as our main source of news.
From Cool Hunting comes TED-ED – what looks to be some REALLY great lesson plans and ideas for teachers to really expand what’s happening in the classroom.
From Joen Wolfrom – the most used colors in the world – Tones.
From Letters of Note comes a very timely letter from one of my favorite authors, John Steinbeck. Very interesting in light of what is happening in current affairs in Arizona. “American Democracy Will Have Disappeared.”
Also from Letters of Note, the incomparable Harper Lee, with words that ring true today:
“Early-1966, believing its contents to be “immoral,” the Hanover County School Board in Virginia decided to remove all copies of Harper Lee‘s classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, from the county’s school libraries. As soon as she was alerted, Lee responded perfectly by way of the following letter, written to, and later published in, The Richmond News Leader.
Also sent, as mentioned in the letter, was a contribution to the Beadle Bumble Fund — a project set up by the newspaper in 1959 to highlight/compensate for “official stupidities,” and which subsequently gave away copies of the banned book to all children who asked.”
From the 365 Project, another set of gorgeous pictures.
4 No-Cost Etsy Shop Promotions from Handmade-ology….since I didn’t get much on yesterday’s marketing post.
From Cool Hunting – really cool tables from the Milan Design Show. Love the texture and grain lines in this first one.
And finally, some pictures from a place most of us know nothing about…..except as a country in the news, Iran. These are gorgeous. From The Best Article Every Day…..
Be sure to look at all the pictures – Iran looks to be a very beautiful place.
And that’s it for this week – let me know what you find surfing over the next few days!