Posts Tagged ‘Innovative Licensing and Promotion’

Top Ten Tuesday

Pastel Gradient

Pastel Gradient

Yes, I am anxiously awaiting spring – not so much here in the desert southwest, but as we travel back to New England in May, I’ll be seeing lots of what is “spring” to me. Color and lush greens – can’t wait!

In the meantime, I’ve been busy packing, doing photography of quilts, lots of loose ends, visiting the Saguaro National Monument to partake of cactus spring, working on some online classes about teaching online, and planning new art projects. As usual I’m finding lots of things on line for enjoyment or research.

The first is a glass artist, Jack Storms… is absolutely AMAZING!

Speaking of photography, because the work in that video is amazing, I peruse a lot of sites of phtographers. One I have enjoyed over the years and have come back to as a result of our trip to Yosemite, is that of Galen Rowell and Mountain Light. I bought a collection of postcards of his images during one visit to the Smithsonian and have loved his work. Enjoy!

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Perusing photography sites gives me lots of ideas as I do more with my little camera. After the move, one of the items on my list is a new camera, a SLR so I can get really serious, but I will say my little point and shoot has given lots of material to play with digital manipulation. So when I see a site belonging to a photographer, I tend to check it out. On The Wright House Photography site,, I love that she bought her childhood home and now uses it as a studio. I am amazed at how photography sessions have taken on a specialized feel: engagements, maternity…….I’m used to someone just snapping pictures, and now I love getting new ideas!

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there’s another photography site I found with a “digital evangelist.” Interesting term……She’s with Adobe, so I’m guessing she’s quite skilled….

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From The Millions comes a timely article for those of you who write fiction – sketching out plot lines and characters, which I had to  do with this first novel in the trilogy. I was glad to see that I intuited what had to be done.

Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 11.38.46 AM I am a sucker when it comes to motivational education messages. Here’s one from a teacher who wants his students to hear what he has to say. Powerful.

Those of you who have been following this blog for a long time know I’m interested in licensing, and I read a lot about it, more so now that I can steer people in the right direction who are thinking about licensing. As with photography, I tend to surf a lot of sites dealing with licensing. Innovative Licensing and Promotion  ( had some ideas I hadn’t thought of, and I like to think I go outside the box. This is a sample of what they offer. I’m intrigued and plan to study more.

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I haven’t done any posting of great unusual pics in a while, so here are some from BrainJet.

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Because a move is imminent, and we don’t know where we will be living, we are looking at places in the Burlington/Chittenden County are of Vermont. Hubby is hooked on Rehab Addict, and we’ve often thought if we were younger and had the money, we’d like to rehab a place. We’ve lived in a couple that would have been great for This Old House. But when we were young we didn’t have the money…now we’re older and still don’t have the money, but now the knees are bad! Still, it’s fun to consider rehabbing a place. He’s surfing one day and discovers a business that does renovations. I Love Renovations  ( has a whole slew of articles on what to look for if you are undertaking renovations on your own. Found a great article from their blog on getting your place ready for fall and winter…..which we may have to do again!

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