Posts Tagged ‘Susan Cain’
Top Ten Tuesday
Cool week on the web…..
One of my favorite artists for the incredible batik work she does, Mary Edna Fraser. This is a look at a new installation in progress that she is working on.
Who knows when just one little act that we think nothing of will mean the world to someone else? From Letters of Note:
With the hoopla starting for the summer Olympics, there’s this ad from Proctor and Gamble that made the rounds I think in 2010 (which seems like I saw it just yesterday). It’s worth a few minutes of your time. And also from The Best Article Every Day comes this little bonus pic:
Genius isn’t always noticeable, as this blog from The Creativity Post points out. Check out these famous “failures.”
Another interesting take on creativity: science and ballet, also from The Creativity Post.
From The Cartoon Brew comes a Stephen Colbert interview (parts 1 and 2) filmed in January with Maurice Sendak. Lovely! Sendak will be sorely missed.
Chocolate, chocolate – probably the most creative use I’ve seen in a while. I found this through Cool Hunting from The Dessert Girl blog, and it’s oh so clever an idea! A new take on the molten cake…..
From The Huff Post comes this amazing article on women in combat and their issues as veterans. There are some amazing ladies profiled, and it’s interesting to see how they have had to struggle to get the same medical benefits as their male counterparts…because technically they are not considered combat veterans.
I am reading Susan Cain’s book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. It has very interesting applications for the classroom, since we are always encouraged to do group work and have everyone participate vocally in class…..something I always got dinged on in my evaluations. Basically I believe that not everyone has to be able to participate in a group…my own experience. This is a TED talk she gave that’s quite interesting.
And finally, Animals Talking All In Caps. Great animal pictures with really funny captions. Great way to start the day!
So what did you find this week on the web?
Some Ramblin’ Thoughts….
Ai, yi, yi….the brain is overflowing with thoughts about all kinds of things in life right now – some artistic, most not. First of all, we are having to move….again……..Since the new neighbors moved in the beginning of December, it has been horrible living under them. Stomping feet at all hours of the day or night, running/barking dog, absolutely no consideration for the people underneath them. Including a domestic dispute complaint one Sunday night that was so loud we had to go and stay in a motel.
So what does management say? There’s nothing they can do….dogs bark, that’s what they do. Dogs run, that’s what they do. It’s their apartment, they can vacuum when they want (including at 3 AM)……management has done nothing. We finally got “doctor’s notes” about the stress and inability to sleep, and we are out of here. Our days of apartment living are done. We drove through one neighborhood about a week ago and saw a “for rent” sign – we’ve never seen anything available in that neighborhood unless it’s the occasional home for sale. This is perfect, meets our three conditions: more space, better light, and a total price not over a set amount. So we’re set to move the 29th…..the same day we just found out that management is replacing carpet in the stairs near us, so we won’t be able to use the stairs for the movers. Between tomorrow and the 28th, we plan to move a lot of boxes and set up things that we can. So it will be a crazy two weeks….but that’s how our lives seem to go.
Why is it we are living in such a culture now of rudeness and incivility? Drivers in Tucson have got to be among the worst in the country. When we went cross-country two years ago, we got out of Arizona and saw none of this – no changing lanes unexpectedly, no creeping along. In fact, east of the Mississippi, it’s like we were in another country. All we are asking for is some peace and quiet to live our lives, do good when we can, and be kind to people we meet. We’ve lived in apartments long enough that we know how to walk with a soft step. Turns out laws – both state and federal – keep apartment managers from taking more action against tenants who create disturbances. Management has to be very careful not to violate any freedoms…like putting people with children – or pets – on bottom floors. That takes away their rights. Well, we’ve been in this complex over a year, perfectly content, until new people move in. And now we are the ones paying the penalty. Well, not when it affects our health.
And now to the news…..oy, so much there. Hearings on contraception, and nary a woman in sight to give her views. A photo of our soldiers with the symbol of the Nazi party. Trying to plead ignorance that they didn’t realize the symbol had other meanings. Well, that’s what comes from not being able to teach American history in any depth. History of any kind has lost ground since NCLB and having to teach to specific tests. And in Arizona, now the state legislature wants to make teaching anything “controversial” grounds for being fired as a teacher. Arizona is more and more the sewer of this country.
The Arizona legislature is debating the availability of guns on college campuses. Yeah, that’s going to help. Which brings me to the latest going round on Facebook and YouTube of this one father’s response to his daughter’s gripe about her parents. He proceeds to verbally rip her a new one, which she probably deserved. But when he takes the gun to the computer….well, I disagree with the message that sends. A brick would have accomplished the same thing.
The Personal Excellence blog has been running a fitness challenge that I have been participating in, in an attempt to ramp up my physiucal activity. It also has coincided with my beginning practice of yoga. I LOVE yoga. Working one-on-one with a trainer us really helping. Now I have to get over this cold so I don’t keep having to screw up my breathing. I have progresses enough in three weeks that I now have some flow patterns that I can do on my own at home. Celes, who runs Personal Excellence, has some great stuff available to peruse.
Check out Fathom Events. Last night we went to the local movie theater and saw a behind-the-scenes tour of the Leonardo da Vinci exhibit at the National Gallery in London. Absolutely amazing, with lots of in-depth analyses and looks at curating this type of exhibit. This is the second event we have been to, and we are looking forward to many more. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s sequel to Phantom of the Opera plays on February 28. You can believe we’ll be there – great seats, up close and personal, and way cheaper than theater tickets.
Reading a really interesting book, Quiet by Susan Cain, about introverts and extroverts. Explains a lot about me, and it’s very interesting to see that the amount of extrovertism expected in today’s society isn’t necessarily productive. I recommend the book. From the description:
“At least one-third of the people we know are introverts. They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking, reading to partying; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over brainstorming in teams. Although they are often labeled “quiet,” it is to introverts that we owe many of the great contributions to society–from van Gogh’s sunflowers to the invention of the personal computer.”
May you have a quiet weekend!!