Posts Tagged ‘TED’
Top Ten Tuesday
Another Tuesday, and I still keep finding lots of new ideas and posts to add for Tuesdays, and I still have a lot bookmarked! I also find myself going off on little research jaunts for my novel, with some interesting – and downright scary – disgusting articles. It is amazing what one can find on the net these days, and I chuckle when I remember the one cartoon making its rounds: a true friend is someone who will clear out your history cache on the internet when you die. I have really been reading some very strange stuff. But all of that is bookmarked in a separate place. What follows is the good, light-hearted stuff!
I thought this was quite cute. The site is in its infancy, but I like the premise. I will be following along to see just what they offer. Click on the pic to see more. I think the class offerings could be kind of interesting……
The Eat Pray Love lady, Elizabeth Gilbert, recommends these books as ones that helped her become a writer. How many have you read?
Useful websites you never knew existed – a lot to check out here.
…and in my ongoing quest to eat healthy, the 15 grossest foods……yup, it’ll do the same thing Supersize Me did….
Also available as a free download – 27 foods you should never eat.
The 60 Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken – how many do you remember? The one I remember the most…..
Limitations in a wheelchair? I don’t think so……
Molten aluminum in an ant hill? Look at this art…..
For Nelson Mandela – a flash mob…..
An Hour of Code – a way to help our youngsters learn computer coding – very cool!
If you find cool stuff on line, send it along!
Top Ten Tuesday
A long, hard week, but we can always count on the internet to provide something interesting. Enjoy!
A really cool look at some Photoshop work from The Best Article Every Day:
Things maybe you never knew about cleaning and organizing….and might want to – some very clever ideas here!
From the 365 Project, once again some amazing photos:
This is a dance performed at the closing ceremonies for the 2004 Paralympics. The dance, called the Thousand-Hand Guanyin, is making the rounds across the net. Considering the tight coordination required, their accomplishment is nothing short of amazing, even if they were not all deaf. All 21 of the dancers are complete deaf-mutes. Relying only on signals from trainers at the four corners of the stage, these extraordinary dancers deliver a visual spectacle that is at once intricate and stirring. Its first major international debut was in Athens at the closing ceremonies for the 2004 Paralympics. But it had long been in the repertoire of the Chinese Disabled People’s Performing Art Troupe and had traveled to more than 40 countries. Its lead dancer is 29 year old Tai Lihua, who has a BA from the Hubei Fine Arts Institute. The video was recorded in Beijing during the Spring Festival.
From the TED Blog – 100 Websites you should know and use…..when you want to surf……
A great dance video – will make you feel good all over!
From Buzzfeed, 26 images from the year that will make you believe in humanity again:
Some color for your enjoyment….this is one continuous picture, so click and be sure to scroll…..from The Best Article Every Day.
A lace comeback? Really interesting look at a possible resurgence of interest in lace from Surface Design Association.
And for us fiber junkies….3-D fabric with laser printers.…..
Have a great week surfing – let me know what you find!
Top Ten Tuesday
Another week and we’re half-way through November….goodness, where does the time go? Here’s some goodies from the week.
For all of us creatives, here’s an interesting little video from Behance about what we do:
In light of Veteran’s Day is this beautiful, heart-wrenching letter about loss.
Ode to our neighbor to the north, Canada – some spectacular scenery in Travel Alberta.
And who doesn’t love magic? This is an interesting twist on the typical duo in an act.
And another video – this one about kites….which I could NEVER get off the ground! “One kite is controlled by his right leg, the other two by his hands. Ray Bethell, a resident of Vancouver, BC is one of the most famous kite flyers in the world. He controls three kites in a ballet set to “The Flower Duet.” When you see two tails together, he’s flying two of the kites next to each other. At about 3:00, all three are together. Notice at the end where he lays two of the kites down, one on top of the other and the third —-well, you just have to wait to see what he does with that one.”
Here’s a book I need to get, since all things about the brain fascinate me. Found this on the TED blog: Brain Power. Looks absolutely fascinating.
A great fiber art find – love her stamps! “GinaVisione works and plays in San Francisco, CA., a re-transplanted native. Her primary work is focused on maximizing the available rehabilitation service and independence options to all persons with visual impairments and blindness, however, this often spills over into her artwork. She is a printmaker with linoleum carvings and monotype image techniques, but she is also very active in the MailArt (including arti-stamps!) and letter writing networks around the world (SF Correspondence Co-op, Letter Writers Alliance, PostCrossing, to name a few). Gina really enjoys the amazing levels of creativity that artists share in her mailbox daily! Check her out on Flickr:“
Once again from the 365 Project, some really gorgeous photography.
From Cool Hunting comes the work and an interview with a very interesting artist, Jen Stark – lots of color here!!
And finally, from JPG Magazine, the simple fork……
Have a great week! Let me know what you find on line that’s cool!
Monday Marketing
It’s been a busy month of completing a lot of loose ends, especially in getting ready for the holiday season. But I am always on the outlook for great ideas for and about marketing. Ask Harriete has had an interesting series on displays for windows and booths – lots of great ideas to enjoy – as well as think about what could work for your own purposes. Window Dressing for Booth Display – fascinating ideas for setting up displays. Made with pencils, and there is a video to go along with the photo as to how the booth was constructed. Who knew hangars could look so cool?
A fascinating TED talk on Collaborative Consumption – lots of food for thought……Would love to open a dialogue with folks about some of these ideas.
In the meantime, getting the Etsy shop loaded with fabrics in preparation for a 50 percent off sale on Cyber Monday. Promotesy (from the folks at Handmadeology) is a great tool for scheduling and marketing posts and items. And you really can’t beat $5 a month. The biggest marketing task has been a total makeover of the website, which has kind of sat idle for a couple of years, as the blog and Facebook page moved to the forefront. Lots of major changes on the site: new pages: Testimonials, Snapshots, Patterns, Digital Marbling, Classes and Workshops. Plus, new work is finally up, and the gallery has been seriously updated. Some pages still need writing and pictures, and the order form is getting a makeover, but the site is so much more comprehensive. And….two new domain names….
The domain name has been an interesting issue. We’ve had “marbledfab” since the late 1990s, since “marbledfabrics” was already taken. Hence a play on the words, but we always have to spell it for people. When we got our domain name, e-commerce was still very much in its infancy. It would be several years before domains became the critical component they are now. So we now have two new domains that point to the website (and I actually learned how to do that…): and It’s all about branding and making it easy for folks to find us. We’ll see how it works…and the new business cards will have the new domains on them.
I decided to also add more examples of fabrics and patterns to our fabric page. These are pieces from our “we’ll never sell anything in this folder because it’s so gorgeous” file. These are just a few…..
Ideas to share? Pas them along!
Top Ten Tuesday
Back again! I do love reading Letters of Note, and this is a gem from Mae West to the RAF, during WWII.
From the TED Blog comes this interesting explanation of how we get plugged in to the internet worldwide. Pictures show what it means to lay cable across oceans.
This next bothers me tremendously. From Scheiss Weekly, Mamacita talks about education in words and thoughts that I really love. Here’s her take on textbook publishers who have sanitized Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Did you know that Prentice-Hall got actual permission from Anne herself to change her diary entries?
These are some amazing nature photos! Not all have attributions, but I love what the author of the page says – nothing better than nature porn….
I am finding some amazing nature shots and video through StumbleUpon. This one is A.MA.ZING. The Aurora…. I’m just including the link because it automatically plays the sound….
Here’s a great time-waster – and lots of design possibilities. First design when you go to the page….
Weave Silk – an integrative, magical silk artwork. Another time waster that is absolutely fascinating.
From Designer Daily comes “20 Awesome Examples of Street Art.”
From Alternative Reel – a great list of Top Ten categories for movies…..interesting browsing! Just a few of the categories…..
And finally...Rainbow Origami Street Art. Just cool.
I have just discovered the joys of StumbleUpon….check it out and sign up. Lots of amazing stuff! Till next week – send me links to really cool stuff on line!
Top Ten Tuesday
I missed last week, and it is taking me a long while to get through everything!!
Dominos and Vincent Van Gogh – very clever!
A new marketing blog I discovered last week – some very interesting ideas that I need to reflect on, as I am in a very dry, inactive period right now.
Perfectly4med is an interesting blog of work – either zentangle patterns or work completed for a certificate. This is a detailed look at how this piece went together – very interesting.
My introduction to Gee’s Bend quilts happened when I went to the International Quilt Market and the quilts were at the Houston Museum of Fine Art. It was quite the experience. Here’s an article about one of the women.
I’m interested in Helen Keller – always have been, and especially more so since the Zinn Education group has been showing us materials about Helen that are left out of the history books – kind of sanitizing this amazing woman, so we don’t know she was a socialist and women’s reformer. So here’s an interesting letter from Letters of Note to Mark twain.
Also from Letters of Note – a look into the development of Star Trek, from the point of view of Gene Roddenberry and….Isaac Asimov. Very interesting.\
From The Best Article Every Day comes two clever take-offs on Sunday in the Park with George. Here’s just a peek…..
From Brain Pickings comes a very clever series of graphics illustrating some pretty obscure words. If you enjoy words, you’ll love this!
From Cool Hunting comes some very interesting art: Taboos, Tatoos, and Native American Beadwork from Eri Imamura. “… marries disparate elements of mythology, Native American beadwork and tattoo culture to create life-sized textile sculptures. Collectively, they deal with man’s delicate relationship with nature, his propensity for materialism and Japan’s collective suffering following the 2011 earthquake.”
And, finally, from TED: How a Lonely Girl Earned 1.6 million friends:
Have a good week – let me know what you find on the web!
Top Ten Tuesday – 700!
I think I’m really glad that blog posts slow down over the weekend, because it gives me a chance to get caught up on my reading! I go through the list about once a month to delete those I don’t find as fascinating any more, but the problem is I keep adding at a rate faster than I can keep up with! Reminds me about all those lessons on exponential growth……
And….this is post 700! Who knew?
From the Best Article Every Day comes this little gem, and please click on it, because to show you a preview would ruin its sweetness.
This next is part of a TED talk, and the video is superb. Subtitled what goes on in your garden when you aren’t looking……
From Letters of Note comes a wonderful letter by ray Bradbury (who will be sorely missed) about the initial writing of Fahrenheit 451. What a great example of creativity!
From 365 Project comes more fabulous photos. Love the colors and reflections in this one!
From Cool Hunting comes a really great idea for a family getaway!
I discovered Ranae Merrill in one of the episodes of The Quilt Show, and oh my, is her work wonderful! She makes doing a spiral quilt absolutely simple. Who knew?
Speaking of The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims, I have been enjoying the currect episodes, on all kinds of new techniques, plus a class on color. Really outstanding material. Here’s just a selection of classes:
A great tutorial from Quilt Play on making some cool-looking “tree” blocks with paper piecing – called red herring blocks. I need to try this, as I can really see them fitting into a project I’m doing.
From the Bill Moyers blog comes the Peace Map, a way of looking at how peaceful countries are around the globe. Very interesting graphic, with some surprises – and some not-so surprises.
More eye candy, especially if you are in to hand dyes. Vicki Welsh does some amazing work, and she has a new gradient – rolling fog. I want me some of these!
Have a great week – let me know what you find on line! Newsletter is coming in a week, so sign up in the block on the upper left if you want to receive “Out of the Marbling Tray.”
Top Ten Tuesday
Cool week on the web…..
One of my favorite artists for the incredible batik work she does, Mary Edna Fraser. This is a look at a new installation in progress that she is working on.
Who knows when just one little act that we think nothing of will mean the world to someone else? From Letters of Note:
With the hoopla starting for the summer Olympics, there’s this ad from Proctor and Gamble that made the rounds I think in 2010 (which seems like I saw it just yesterday). It’s worth a few minutes of your time. And also from The Best Article Every Day comes this little bonus pic:
Genius isn’t always noticeable, as this blog from The Creativity Post points out. Check out these famous “failures.”
Another interesting take on creativity: science and ballet, also from The Creativity Post.
From The Cartoon Brew comes a Stephen Colbert interview (parts 1 and 2) filmed in January with Maurice Sendak. Lovely! Sendak will be sorely missed.
Chocolate, chocolate – probably the most creative use I’ve seen in a while. I found this through Cool Hunting from The Dessert Girl blog, and it’s oh so clever an idea! A new take on the molten cake…..
From The Huff Post comes this amazing article on women in combat and their issues as veterans. There are some amazing ladies profiled, and it’s interesting to see how they have had to struggle to get the same medical benefits as their male counterparts…because technically they are not considered combat veterans.
I am reading Susan Cain’s book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking. It has very interesting applications for the classroom, since we are always encouraged to do group work and have everyone participate vocally in class…..something I always got dinged on in my evaluations. Basically I believe that not everyone has to be able to participate in a group…my own experience. This is a TED talk she gave that’s quite interesting.
And finally, Animals Talking All In Caps. Great animal pictures with really funny captions. Great way to start the day!
So what did you find this week on the web?
Top Ten Tuesday
A really interesting artist, I saw his portfolio on Behance. Alberto Seveso…..doesn’t it look like the most luscious silk?
From Bill Moyers comes a really interesting graphic on social media as our main source of news.
From Cool Hunting comes TED-ED – what looks to be some REALLY great lesson plans and ideas for teachers to really expand what’s happening in the classroom.
From Joen Wolfrom – the most used colors in the world – Tones.
From Letters of Note comes a very timely letter from one of my favorite authors, John Steinbeck. Very interesting in light of what is happening in current affairs in Arizona. “American Democracy Will Have Disappeared.”
Also from Letters of Note, the incomparable Harper Lee, with words that ring true today:
“Early-1966, believing its contents to be “immoral,” the Hanover County School Board in Virginia decided to remove all copies of Harper Lee‘s classic novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, from the county’s school libraries. As soon as she was alerted, Lee responded perfectly by way of the following letter, written to, and later published in, The Richmond News Leader.
Also sent, as mentioned in the letter, was a contribution to the Beadle Bumble Fund — a project set up by the newspaper in 1959 to highlight/compensate for “official stupidities,” and which subsequently gave away copies of the banned book to all children who asked.”
From the 365 Project, another set of gorgeous pictures.
4 No-Cost Etsy Shop Promotions from Handmade-ology….since I didn’t get much on yesterday’s marketing post.
From Cool Hunting – really cool tables from the Milan Design Show. Love the texture and grain lines in this first one.
And finally, some pictures from a place most of us know nothing about…..except as a country in the news, Iran. These are gorgeous. From The Best Article Every Day…..
Be sure to look at all the pictures – Iran looks to be a very beautiful place.
And that’s it for this week – let me know what you find surfing over the next few days!
Top Ten Tuesday
What an interesting week on the web!
From JPG Magazine – shots of toys….how can you not smile?
From Oceana, a new idea in gift giving.
From the TED blog comes a conversation with Adam Savage of the Mythbusters….love that show! The science and math is amazing. Here’s an earlier video:
An interesting video from Vimeo – have to start exploring that site some more. 29 Ways to Stay Creative……I do a lot of these already.
Yes, I am a grammar freak/geek – love all things grammer, thanks to my amazing Latin teacher, Joan Daniels. So this article from The Best Article Every Day is right up my alley.
A GREAT video from the TED folks, this one on using dance instead of power point to teach “big idea” concepts. Got me thinking about using Photoshop and Illustrator to teach algebra…….
Now read this about how he created this.
Thinking about making a video showing your art processes? I am, and this article from SDA – Surface Design Association – was perfect timing. Very detailed and lots of advice.
And…Tristan is Back!!!!!! Tristan’s blog, Enchanted Revelries, is a delight of photos. Here’s one of a dress at the V&A Museum….a mourning gown. Read the story here. Tristan – I like the font……
And in the continuing spirit of sarcasm and bad taste comes this blog post of bad Nativity scenes….coffee alert here……With apologies, I give you the Meat Nativity…..
Wish we had something like this in Tucson! Fashion, Food and more from Chicago’s River East Art Center’s monthly artisanal pop-up.
Send me cool stuff you find!! Enjoy your week!